Monday, February 18, 2013

To Wiki or Not to Wiki? That is the question....

Love borrowing famous lines and twisting them up to get attention....OK, so I amuse myself--go figure, right?

From my perspective of keeping it real in the classroom, I professionally like the idea of wiki's.  As long as they are carefully scaffolded and coached through the process and there are some "rules of engagement," there should be no reason NOT to. All teachers can uses them in their curriculums and it dovetails with keyboarding (a personal favorite).  It gives the teacher the "technology cool" factor that students have said are lacking in today's educators.  To much paperbased, not enough computers or lab time.  Teachers are not up to date with today's kids, right?  Perhaps....

There is a great quote floating around that all teachers should emulate.  It is based from a financial stand point but it is relevant to all of us:  “when students understand that every single class they participate in contributes directly to their life goals…”  Wikis can tie into any curriculum--Art, LA, Math, Science, PE.  They are often a first point of departure for research and are carefully managemed.  Why not use them.  Technology and keeping real-world curriculums will help students attain there life goals.

To wiki or not to wiki?  I say wiki away--big time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wikis are more practical for collaboration than one person working on a document, saving it, then emailing/posting it so someone else can then work on it. Googledocs is just dominating the field right now.
